Pay Per Click Advertising: Types of Advertising

 Pay Per Click Advertising

"Illustration of a computer mouse clicking on a dollar sign icon, representing Pay-Per-Click Advertising strategy."

Certain people may regard pay-per-click commercials as more difficult to understand than other types of web advertisements. Despite having fewer monetization obstacles than performance-based systems, they require extensive pre-screening and lack control over the adverts displayed. Furthermore, revenue production tends to decline unless the website sees a significant increase in traffic, necessitating careful consideration of appropriate placement. In this case, we will investigate the benefits of pay-per-click advertising, remove the complexities of the cost per click, and endorse notable companies in the sector.

Article table of contents[]

  • What is pay-per-click advertising?
  • Main pay-per-click advertising services
  • ASP that supports click fee type and performance fee type
  • Points to note about pay-per-click advertising
  • summary
Numerous forms of online advertising exist, generating income by placing advertisements on websites; however, pay-per-click advertising stands out as the most prevalent due to its simplicity in monetization.

True to its title, pay-per-click advertising involves earning money every time a visitor to a site clicks on a presented on web ad.

The accrual of revenue is contingent solely upon the act of clicking (or tapping) the web ad, irrespective of whether a product is purchased or a service contract is entered into subsequently.

This form of web advertising enjoys widespread popularity for its facile profit generation, thanks to the minimal hurdles posed by performance conditions. It indeed stands as an advertisement of noteworthy acclaim.

What is performance-based advertising?

Pay-per-performance advertising stands as a standard variant within the realm of online advertising, in tandem with the well-known pay-per-click advertising.

Performance-based advertising, often synonymous with affiliate advertising, unfolds as the scenario where an individual clicks on an ad showcased on a website and gets redirected to the sales page of the respective product. The outcome is determined by the subsequent purchase of the product.

Two categories of performance-based advertising exist: one managed by ASPs like, Value Commerce, and afb, while the other is facilitated by online shopping hubs such as Rakuten Affiliate and Amazon Associates.

In both instances, the attainment of goals hinges on actions like product and service purchases, membership registrations, and participation in experiences. Consequently, the thresholds for accomplishment are higher compared to pay-per-click advertisements.

However, the revenue per click significantly surpasses that of pay-per-click ads, varying from several thousand to tens of thousands of dollars per agreement depending on the genre.

Notably, a majority of major affiliate sites rely on performance-based advertising as their primary source of revenue.

What is the difference between performance-based advertising and click-based advertising?

Pay-for-performance advertising and pay-per-click advertising not only diverge in their performance conditions but also exhibit distinct advertising mechanisms.

In the realm of performance-based affiliate advertising, the determination of the type of advertisement to be displayed rests with the site operator. Consequently, possessing the skill to select advertisements aligned with the visiting user group becomes imperative.

Conversely, in pay-per-click advertising, ads are automatically placed within the designated ad space. The system, relying on cookies stored in the user's browser or previously posted, dictates the ads to be showcased. Ads displayed are tailored to match the article content of the page being viewed.

Given this contrast in placement methodologies, the policies and strategies recommended for sites will vary significantly between pay-for-performance ads and pay-per-click ads.

In pay-for-performance advertising, the site operator's objective is to guide users towards purchasing and experiencing the selected product. Therefore, it becomes crucial to thoroughly elucidate the product within the article.

Contrarily, with pay-per-click ads, the site operator lacks the ability to intervene in the ad's content. The primary goal shifts to enticing users to click on the ad, emphasizing the importance of strategic ad placement within easy reach of the cursor or fingertips.

How to get paid for clicks

Let's use Google AdSense as an illustrative example to elucidate the mechanics of pay-per-click advertising. Google actively seeks online advertisements through its advertiser service, "Google Ads" (formerly Google AdWords), utilizing the Google Search platform.

Diverse advertisements gathered within this platform amalgamate into a singular advertisement distribution network, aptly termed an ad network.

Google AdSense operates as a system that autonomously selects the most fitting advertisements from this extensive ad network, subsequently showcasing them across various sites.

Upon a user clicking an ad posted on a website within the ad network, Google AdSense undertakes the task of collecting the advertising cost from the advertiser, earns a commission, and then disburses the generated revenue to the site operator.

In essence, the role of Google AdSense can be characterized as an intermediary between advertisers and site operators. It orchestrates the optimal matching of advertisements with sites, ultimately distributing revenue in accordance with the number of clicks.

How much does pay-per-click advertising cost?

The concern over the potential revenue from pay-per-click advertising is a common consideration for many individuals. The remuneration a user receives for each click on an ad is termed as the cost-per-click (CPC).

The cost per click in pay-per-click advertising exhibits variability contingent upon the genre and service. In the realm of Google AdSense, the average price per click typically ranges from 0.10 dollars to 0.20 dollars.

For advertisements falling within high-priced categories, such as those related to insurance and credit cards, the cost can escalate, exceeding 0.7 dollars per click.

It is crucial to note, however, that the ability to specify the content of the displayed advertisement is absent in pay-per-click advertising. The ad content dynamically changes based on the browsing history of the visiting user. Consequently, over the long term, significant deviations from the average value are improbable and can be considered the prevailing reality.

Main pay-per-click advertising services

While pay-per-click advertising enjoys popularity, the landscape is characterized by a limited number of companies offering this service.

The prevailing scenario can be described as Google AdSense holding a virtual monopoly, dominating both in terms of cost per click and the sheer volume of deals.

Let's delve into the introduction of some noteworthy pay-per-click advertising services.

Google AdSense:

Google's own pay-per-click advertising service, commonly referred to as "AdSense."

It stands unrivaled in terms of cost per click and the diversity of advertisement types, securing a commanding share in the realm of pay-per-click advertising.

Fundamentally, pay-per-click advertising operates on the premise of leveraging Google AdSense, with subsequent services positioned as alternatives or supplements to it.

In recent times, Google AdSense has exhibited a trend of increasing stringency in its review processes each year. This stems from the principle that "only trusted websites are permitted for posting."

Given its substantial advantages, it is advisable to implement robust measures and consider posting on this platform, despite the evolving strictness of the review process.


Presented here is a pay-per-click advertising offering from Fan Communications, the operating entity behind

While subject to initial screening, the criteria are less stringent compared to Google AdSense. Consequently, it serves as a widely embraced alternative for websites unable to meet the stringent standards of Google AdSense.

This specialized web advertisement caters to smartphones and tablets exclusively, omitting support for PC access. However, due to its inclusion of genres not covered by Google AdSense, it finds prominence exclusively on the smartphone version of the site, garnering a sizable user base.


i-mobile, presented by i-Mobile Co., Ltd., stands as a diverse pay-per-click advertising platform accommodating various advertising genres.

Its distinctive feature lies in the distribution of adult advertisements, making it suitable for sites catering to adults that may face challenges in monetizing through Google AdSense.

i-mobile also offers support for filtering adult-related advertisements, making it applicable to general sites where the inclusion of adult content is to be avoided.

Ninja AdMax:

Ninja AdMax, the brainchild of Ninja Tools Co., Ltd., is another entrant in the pay-per-click advertising arena.

Noteworthy for its flexible restrictions, it can be employed across a broad spectrum of sites without the hindrance of extensive registration screening.

Similar to i-mobile, Ninja AdMax supports the distribution of adult advertisements, allowing for placements on sites dealing with adult content.

While the cost per click may be relatively low, the ease of the registration process makes it a recommended choice for those venturing into pay-per-click ads or managing sites facing challenges in passing rigorous reviews.

ASP that supports click fee type and performance fee type

Application Service Provider (ASP) primarily offers performance-based advertising, but there are also smaller enterprises that delve into click-based advertising.

Unlike pay-per-click advertising through ad networks, ASP's version involves users choosing the program they want to post, resembling affiliate advertising. Revenue is earned each time a user clicks on the designated ad. Here are some ASPs supporting pay-per-click advertising:, being one of the largest ASPs, engages in pay-per-click advertising to a certain extent. The offered genres span diverse areas, including domains, servers, beauty salons, and more. The average cost per click fluctuates considerably, ranging from 0.007 to 0.35 dollars. provides a popularity ranking for pay-per-click advertising, offering a valuable resource for finding suitable programs.

Value Commerce:

Value Commerce is another ASP providing pay-per-click advertising. Users can search for pay-per-click programs by activating the checkbox labeled "Click Pay (CPC)" under "Reward Conditions" in the program search. While the number of projects may not be extensive, Value Commerce offers programs that not only provide click fees but also allow users to earn performance fees when a purchase is made. This versatility makes it a platform worth considering.

Points to note about pay-per-click advertising

The revenue generation mechanism of pay-per-click ads differs significantly from that of pay-per-performance ads, necessitating distinct techniques from those employed in affiliate marketing. When utilizing pay-per-click advertising, consider the following key points:

Strategic Ad Placement:

The placement of ads holds substantial sway over the earnings in pay-per-click advertising. While it's crucial to position ads where users can easily see them, additional considerations come into play. For computer users, placing ads in areas where the mouse cursor naturally gravitates is vital. This involves strategic placement in the four corners of the site, where the eye tends to pause, as well as at the commencement and conclusion of articles, catching the reader's attention.

Ad Placement on Smartphone Versions:

When adapting to the smartphone version of the site, exercise caution when placing ads in the middle of an article. Placing an ad there may lead to unintentional taps while users scroll through the content. Optimal placement, in this case, involves careful consideration to avoid inadvertent interactions.

In summary, the placement of pay-per-click ads demands a thoughtful approach, considering both visibility and user interaction patterns on different platforms.

The scale of earnings depends on the number of accesses

In the realm of pay-per-click advertising, the volume of site visits significantly influences earnings. Unlike performance-based advertising, where high unit prices or conversion rates can yield substantial revenue on low-traffic sites, pay-per-click ads automatically optimize content for users. This sets the stage for a competitive landscape.

On sites with limited traffic, the revenue garnered from pay-per-click advertising may be akin to a modest gain, emphasizing the importance of operation after the site has achieved a certain size. It becomes a battle of optimization prowess, highlighting the need for a strategic approach to maximize earnings in this dynamic advertising arena.

Ads will stop if you repeat the self-click

As tempting as it may be for some to attempt earning through self-clicks on ads displayed on their own sites, engaging in such practices comes with severe repercussions due to the prevalence of fraudulent clicks and stringent regulations.

Service providers meticulously gather detailed user information for every click on advertisements. Unnatural clicks originating from site operators or associated parties are promptly identified and reported.

In cases where intentional self-clicks are confirmed, the consequences range from the suspension of ad delivery to, in the worst instances, the permanent disabling of the account.

It is crucial to be aware that attempting to deceive advertisers and businesses through such fraudulent practices carries heavy penalties.

Additionally, the ability to display pay-per-click advertisements may be restricted based on the content of the site. The regulated genres vary depending on the advertising service, and for Google AdSense, sites dealing with adult content, gambling, alcohol, tobacco, violent acts, and drugs are prohibited.

While rejection occurs during the screening stage at registration for sites in these genres, even if an article page with such content is created post-screening, the supply of advertisements will cease, resulting in rejected ads and a blank frame. Vigilance is necessary to navigate these limitations effectively.


In this discussion, I've provided an overview of pay-per-click web advertising.

Pay-per-click ads hold a special appeal for beginners in site management due to their low entry barrier, allowing earnings with just a click on the ads.

However, given the limited control available to site administrators and the sole revenue increment being tied to increased site visits, pay-per-click advertising may not be the most suitable option for novice website operators. The dynamics of web advertising make it particularly effective on medium-sized websites with diverse user demographics.

Sites with a fixed user base or those with extensive monthly page views in the millions may find pay-per-click advertising less efficient for monetization. In such cases, performance-based advertising often takes precedence as the primary revenue source.

It's crucial to recognize that pay-per-click advertising isn't universally suitable for every site. Its distinct advantages and disadvantages warrant a thorough understanding of its characteristics before integration.

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