How to link your YouTube channel with Google Ads

 YouTube channel with Google Ads

A captivating YouTube Channel with diverse content and engaging videos."

By connecting YouTube channels and Google advertisements while conveying video promotions, for example, TrueView and Guard promotions, it is feasible to convey Google advertisements in light of watcher information.

Nonetheless, I feel that there are many individuals who don't have any idea what is great about connecting and how to utilize information. There are numerous organizations that have opened a YouTube channel, so this is a capability that we might want to have at this open door.

This time, I will make sense of what you can do by connecting your YouTube channel and Google Advertisements and how to interface it.

Likewise, I need to develop my insight about Google Advertisements! In the event that you are intrigued, kindly read the article beneath for an exhaustive outline.

Google Promotions, the world's biggest publicizing conveyance administration, is a priority web publicizing dissemination framework that can be utilized for a great many purposes, like expanding item deals, further developing brand mindfulness, and drawing in clients to actual stores.

Additionally, I need to develop my insight about show publicizing! On the off chance that you are intrigued, kindly read the article beneath for a thorough outline.

Among the numerous commercials accessible, many individuals might think, "What are the advantages?" and "What are the viable ways of working?" In this article, the showcase...

 Table of contents

  • Three functions that can be used in conjunction with YouTube channels and Google Ads
  • Advantages and disadvantages of YouTube remarketing
  • How to connect Google Ads to your YouTube channel
  • lastly

Three functions that can be used in conjunction with YouTube channels and Google Ads

There are three functions that can be used by linking YouTube channels and Google Ads.

  1. Check organic data such as the number of views of videos uploaded to the YouTube channel on the Google Ads management screen
  2. Checking the number of actions such as channel registration after watching video ads on the Google Ads management screen
  3. Remarketing to users who watched YouTube, liked/disliked, etc. Similar Audience Delivery

I will explain these in detail.

1. Check organic data such as the number of views of videos uploaded to the YouTube channel on the Google Ads management screen

To display, first click the customize button from the home screen of your YouTube channel. Then

(1) first click on the Analytics tab, and

(2) click on Organic Data.

Let's take a look at what you can check next.

1. Video Audience Retention

You can see the percentage of users watching for the selected number of seconds out of the total number of non-advertised views. This data can be compared with users who watched through ads, so if the viewing retention rate through ads is low, you can use it as a reference to review your targeting settings and the video itself.

2. Moment You can check the percentage of viewers who saw the set moment when adding a logo to the video . Images do not have Moments yet.

3. Graphs

You can check the number of views, likes, etc., not via social or advertising.

2. Check the number of actions such as channel registration after watching video ads on the Google Ads management screen

Click the display item on the video tab,

We will check each item of the number of YouTube acquisition actions.

Click Apply.

 It was confirmed that the item after viewing the advertisement can be set by changing the display item.

 3. Utilization of user lists such as YouTube viewing and high/low ratings

You can create the following user lists.

  • Watch channel videos
  • watch a specific video
  • Watching channel videos (as ads)
  • Watch a specific video (as an ad)
  • Channel registration
  • Visit channel page
  • Like/dislike channel videos
  • Add channel videos to playlist
  • Share channel videos

The list obtained here can be used for remarketing of search ads and display ads used in Youtube ads.

Benefits and Disadvantages of YouTube remarketing

"Based on the information discussed above, client data obtained by connecting YouTube channels and identifying promotions can be used for remarketing.

Here are the upsides and downsides of YouTube remarketing.

Advantages of YouTube remarketing

The advantages of YouTube remarketing are:

  • High objective adaptability

  • Gathering records can likewise be utilized for Gmail, and so on.

We are currently making sense of these things.

High objective adaptability

Customary remarketing records site guests.

In any case, on YouTube, you can determine and record definite targets, for example, clients who watched recordings, clients who bought into the channel, and clients who evaluated the channel exceptionally.

In this way, while focusing on, you can incorporate a great many choices, from low-interest clients to exorbitant interest clients decently.

Gathering records can likewise be utilized for Gmail, and so on.

Certain individuals might feel that the name YouTube remarketing implies that you can serve advertisements on YouTube. Nonetheless, the extent of use can be extended beyond YouTube to incorporate Google search promotions and Gmail advertisements.

Disadvantages of YouTube remarketing

The Disadvantages of YouTube remarketing are:

  • Client quality might be low

  • Contrasted with different promotions, inciting action is troublesome

I will currently examine these two focuses.

Client quality might be low

compared with show promotion remarketing, YouTube remarketing may have a lower number of clients that can be stamped.

Show promotions are regularly designated to clients who tapped on a promotion, searched, and so forth, and who made a move to see the site a bit.

Then again, on YouTube, a few clients use it for work or use it as a substitute for ambient sound. All things considered, in spite of the fact that it is remembered by the viewers of the video, since it is just the video shown via programmed playback, the substance of the video is barely seen. This implies that even clients who care very little about your promotions might be stamped.

In the event that you basically mark just the clients who watched the video, the above clients will likewise be designated. Accordingly, it is important to painstakingly consider which clients to target.

Compared with different promotions, starting action is troublesome

YouTube clients need to watch recordings.

In this manner, the vast majority of them don't answer directions from YouTube to outer locales or to directions from users on the site. Subsequently, as a rule, remarketing show promotions yield improved results and bring about advertisement conveyance for securing purposes.

It is important to be aware of setting out contact open doors other than YouTube; for example, applying search promotions to clients who have watched YouTube recordings instead of finishing the client's promotion contact valuable open doors inside YouTube.

The most effective method to interface your YouTube channel with Google Promotions

There are various ways of connecting your YouTube channel and Google Ads.

This time, I will present two different ways.

The most effective method to do it is through your YouTube channel

To start with, I will make sense of how to connect to the YouTube channel.

Assuming that the setter is the proprietor of the YouTube channel, they can connect from the YouTube channel and send interface demands.

(1) Subsequent to signing into YouTube Studio, click Settings.

A setting screen will show up.

Click (2) Channels

(3) High-level Settings

(4) Connection Records.

(5) Connection name and Google Promotions client ID for connecting

(6) Select the information you need to impart to research Advertisements

(7) Snap Done.

The connection name right now is a name for overseeing which Google promotion is connected to on the YouTube channel side.

Assuming the Google Advertisements proprietor endorses your solicitation to interface your YouTube channel, your YouTube channel will be connected.

Connecting from YouTube is currently finished.

The most effective method to do it is from the Google Promotions on the board screen

Next is the means by which to connect from the Google Advertisements board screen. You can send a connection demand regardless of whether you are not the proprietor of the YouTube channel.

Open Google Advertisements , click (1) Devices in the upper right corner , and

Click (2) Connected Records on the Settings tab.

3) Snap Subtleties on YouTube.

(4) "Would you like to connect to YouTube to find out about advertisements?" is shown, so click Add Channel. (English in the picture)

(5) A screen for looking through YouTube channels will be shown, so enter the channel name or channel URL and snap the YouTube channel you need to connect to.

(6) In the event that you own a YouTube channel, select "I own this channel.".

(In the event that you don't claim the channel as of now, select "Others own the channel" and enter the proprietor's email address.)

 (7) Snap "Go to YOUTUBE

"And you are finished.

In the event that you don't possess the YouTube channel, you need to connect to, for example, the setting on the promoting organization side, enter the email address of the proprietor of the YouTube channel, and send the solicitation. The message of the solicitation can be altered if essential.

This concludes the clarification of how to coordinate your YouTube channel with Google advertisements.


Lately, the quantity of YouTubers has exploded because of the interest in remaining at home because of the crown emergency, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. More and more entrepreneurs are effectively utilizing YouTube channels, and there are different scenes where they can be utilized. If it's not too much trouble, make the most of this open door.

In this article, we will likewise make sense of the typical remarketing that came out this time.

If it's not too much trouble, refer to it!

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