Google Analytics Training: How To Use GA4 [Advanced version]

Google Analytics Training

A person engaging in hands-on Google Analytics training, exploring data analysis tools and advanced strategies for website optimization. Text overlay reads: "Master Google Analytics: Advanced Training for Data-driven Success."
looking at the google analytics program
Google Analytics training 4, also known as GA4, is an essential tool for web marketing. It is said to be the best tool for web site access analysis.

GA4 allows you to grasp, on a numerical basis, "What kind of users are accessing and making inquiries?" In addition to the functions of UA that have been used so far, it has been upgraded by adding functions such as discovery reports.

However, since GA4 can be analyzed from all angles, there are many people who do not know where to analyze and improve. Both our company and our customers often ask us about the worries of WEB staff, such as "There are too many places that need to be improved...".

Therefore, this time I summarized how to use GA4. I would like to explain how to use one of the new functions of GA4, an application for analysis using the search report.

If you want to master GA4, please refer to this article.

Learn the basics of Google Analytics here!

How to use Google Analytics [Basics]

table of contents

  1. What is GA? Why is GA necessary for web marketing?
  2. Things to note when switching to GA4
  3. Explanation on how to use GA4
  4. Explain how to use and analyze the GA4 search report
  5. Summary: GA4 is absolutely necessary for web marketing

1. #What is GA? Why is GA necessary for web marketing?

GA4 is a versatile tool that can measure the number of users who have flowed into the website and the number of inquiries. Without GA4, it would be impossible to increase the number of purchases and inquiries made via the web .

By using GA4, areas that need to be improved can be clarified on a numerical basis. Without numbers, the areas that need to be improved will not be cleared. If you use GA4, you can implement measures with numerical grounds on what to improve on the page.

For example, let's say that the top page leads to the company profile, service page, and then to the contact page. However, if you leave the page without becoming a CV, you can think that there is some reason for leaving the contact page.

Also, as a result of back-calculating the number of CVs and CVR, when it became an issue to raise the number of inflows to the inquiry page, we improved the global menu on the top page of the site with the largest number of inflows to improve the first view. You can decide the direction such as

By performing analysis using GA4, it is an excellent tool that allows you to decide on measures to increase the number of purchases and inquiries via the web.

2. #Things to note when switching to GA4

Migrate early

If you are currently operating with UA, let's hurry to switch to GA4. Analysis at UA will end in July 2023 . If you are serious about web marketing, please make the switch as soon as possible.

If the GA4 transition is set to July 2023, the analysis data will not be acquired until the transition to GA4. It is also not possible to obtain data that will be the key points for improvement measures, so please implement the migration as soon as possible.

3. #Explanation on how to use GA4

For those who are unfamiliar with GA4, or those who are using Google Analytics for the first time, I think the honest feeling of the person in charge of the web is, "There are various numbers written, but I don't understand them, so I want to close the screen immediately."

The moment you open the screen, there are not many people who feel like this. GA4 is so versatile tool that you can see numbers from all angles. However, there must be many people who do not know what and how to see unless they are accustomed to using it.

I've put together a separate article about what to look at first as you proceed with your analysis. The basic usage is summarized in the following article, so please refer to it.

4. #Explain how to use and analyze the GA4 search report

google free search report

(1) Free format (tables and graphs can be selected)

 (2) Funnel data search

(3) Route data search

(4) Segment duplication

 (5) User explorer

 (6) Cohort data search

 (7) User lifetime

GA4 has better analytics than UA. Search reports that can be created freely according to the purpose are prepared, and numerical analysis is possible from all angles. This time, we will explain the features of the free-form search report, which is frequently used when using GA4 among the above.

free-form report

google free form report

Free-form exploration reports can be created in a cross-tabular format like images.

Free form allows you to create a "cross-tabulation" report, which is often seen as a UA reporting format.

In fact, in what kind of situation should it be used?

・Example issue: Bounce rate on mobile is high

・Hypothesis: The page displayed on mobile is difficult for users to see

Suppose we have the following problems and hypotheses. In actual hypothesis verification, the default report screen limits the range and angle that can be verified. However, by using the exploration report, you can select the items in the figure below as you like and analyze them from all angles.


After selecting a point of interest, you can grasp the numerical situation with pie charts, bar graphs, etc. Grasping the situation at the micro level has a low numerical impact, so it is lower in priority, but it is possible to think flexibly when considering measures.


After selecting the items, you can freely customize the order of the items. Different companies have different priorities on which issues to focus on. Exploration reports give you the freedom to analyze things that traditional UAs couldn't.

If you have a metric report that you want to check on a regular basis, once you create it, all you have to do is analyze the numbers. Let's create a GA4 exploration report after clarifying what the task is.

Summary: GA4 is absolutely necessary for web marketing

There should be a lot of companies who want to focus on web marketing. GA4 is one of the essential tools for web marketing. Whether it's SEO measures or web advertising operations, as long as you use the website, analysis and improvement with GA4 is essential.

Universal Analytics (UA) will be completely abolished in July 2023. After it is completely abolished, it is necessary to analyze and improve measures in GA4. If you haven't made the switch yet, hurry up and prepare to switch from UA to GA4.

The recently introduced "Exploration Report" in Google Analytics 4 is a robust instrument that empowers comprehensive analysis from various perspectives. If you're delving into web metrics, consider leveraging the search report we've unveiled to enhance your insights.

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