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Google Adwords

Google adwords
image source : google images

Google search that you use every day. 
Nowadays, the number of smartphone search users 
has increased significantly , and many people can no longer imagine life without Google.

By the way, why is Google search free?

Today, let's think carefully about the "source of income" for operating Google search from the perspective of site managers like us who do SEO.

Google's revenue source is "Adwords"

First of all, to conclude, the operating funds of Google search are advertising income such as Adwords and Adsense .

You may have once placed an ad on Adwords, a listing ad.
At that time, you should have paid advertising costs such as 0.68 dolalars per click or 6.83 dollars, so-called "cost per click".

The advertising fee you paid becomes Google's revenue and is the operating fund of the search service.

Therefore, if there are no people who use Adwords or Adsense, Google search will not be able to do business . (More precisely, the operating company, Alphabet, will be in the red.)

More Adwords Advertisers Make Google More Profitable

Until now, I think there are many people who vaguely thought, "It seems that such a huge Google is supported by some amazing background. I'm sure it won't go bankrupt."

But that is not the case.

Even Google is just one service that supports the management of Alphabet Inc., the operator.

If Google stops generating revenue, Google will go bankrupt.
If Google goes bankrupt, so will Alphabet.

Google and we are the same "just a company"

Just as we earn money by selling products and services every day, Google (Alphabet Inc.) desperately sells ads to make money. Both are the same in that they are "just a company" that seeks profit.

The money from the advertising revenue is the operating fund of Google search, or the operating fund of Alphabet.

If the number of Adwords advertisers increases and the number of advertisements increases, Google will make more money, and if the number of people using Adwords decreases, Google will not make money.

Google search is the 'tool' that sells Adwords

Google (Alphabet) is a normal company, so in order to increase revenue, we have to sell ads such as Adwords and Adsense and continue to increase sales.

To that end, it is necessary to improve Google search and continue to increase the number of users (= search users).

By doing so, the number of Adwords advertisers who want to attract customers on Google search results will increase, and Google's income will increase.

Ultimately, Google search is evolving every day to make money for Alphabet. Google Search is Alphabet's tool for selling AdWords ads.

Google is developing various services to sell ads

Since the raison d'etre of Google search is to "increase advertising sales", Google will never make statements that will prevent advertising from selling . Of course, we will not change the service in such a way that advertising will not sell.

For example, there is an online learning site operated by Google called DIGITAL WORKSHOP where you can learn digital skills.
Companies and business owners can use this site to receive online lectures on how to make money using Google.

(For those who have experience opening a store on Rakuten, it may be easier to understand if we call it the “Google version of Rakuten University .”)

"Sales talk" that makes you buy advertisements mixed with information issued by Google

This site is very useful, especially for beginners of business site management, but as I continued to take lectures, it seems that Google "created this site called DIGITAL WORKSHOP in order to display advertisements." That's what I can see through.

If you explain the contents of the DIGITAL WORKSHOP very roughly, it will be as follows.

You can make money with Google this way. With SEO, your site will appear in search results. However, the No. 1 that is displayed in a more prominent position than that is the Adwords advertisement.

In other words, while giving a lecture on the benefits and methods of SEO measures, I put in a sales talk saying, "But Adwords ads are more advantageous, so buy them."

Google won't tell you information that will stop you from selling ads

In this way, if you think about the premise that Google's raison d'etre is to sell advertisements, you should be able to clearly see the purpose of Google's various services and the information provided.

For example, Google encourages all site owners to do SEO.
However, there is no disclosure of all the elements that raise the ranking.

The reason, of course, is that once the "secret" of high ranking is known, everyone will be able to raise the ranking as they like, and no one will bother to pay for Adwords ads.

If Google's "purpose" is known, it will not be swayed by Google

Now, knowing that the purpose of Google's various actions is to "sell ads", what good do we do?

There is one. That is, " It will not be swayed by Google ".

Read Google's Story as "Sales Talk"

This is what Google has always said to anyone who has a site.

  • Don't overdo SEO!
  • Let's use Adwords well!

At first glance, this sentence looks like pure "advice" from Google.
So, especially if you are a beginner, when you read this sentence, you should think:

So, should we minimize SEO measures and attract customers with Adwords?

But let's think about it for a second.

The "goal" on Google's part is to sell ads.

So this sentence should be more than just advice, it should also be a "sales talk" to get you to buy ads.

With that in mind, you can also get:

This is a sales pitch to get me to use Adwords.
On the contrary, I wonder if it is possible to rank higher only with SEO measures?

If you notice Google's sales talk, you can operate a smart site

Site owners who realize this are both good and bad for Google.

This is because even though these site owners have prepared SEO measures and created sites that can be seen as valuable sites to users, they do not issue advertisements.

If you can take SEO measures properly without being swayed by Google's intentions and display your site at the top of the search results, you can attract enough customers without spending a lot of budget on advertising .

Google is just another company

By the way, this article is not meant to say that using Adwords is only a loss, or that Google is a money-making unscrupulous company.

Rather, Google is made up of people who want to help the world as much as possible, and it shouldn't be run for some evil purpose (I want to believe).

That's not what I'm trying to say, but what I want you to understand after reading this article is that Google is just another company, just like you .

Are SEO measures “violating the law”? ?

The reason why I wrote this article is because I met such a site administrator the other day.

Isn't SEO illegal?

This person's company has a policy of not doing SEO measures company-wide because it is against the law.

However, there are two misconceptions here.
Because of those two misunderstandings, this person's company is losing money.

SEO measures have nothing to do with the law

The first is that they confuse "Google's ranking system" with "law."

Is it a violation of the law to improve rankings by implementing SEO measures?
Or is it against the law if I don't pay for Adwords ads?

No, never.

Google only determines the order of search rankings.
Even if the ranking goes up or down, it will not be a violation of the law.
Search rankings and law have nothing to do with each other.

Misinformation/content theft issues mixed up with SEO

The other thing is to confuse "SEO measures" with past incidents on the Internet.

For example, at the end of last year , the word “SEO measures” appeared in many news articles in the case of a curation site that leaked false health information and plagiarized content .

Therefore, after this incident, it seems that more and more people are confusing SEO measures with the cause of the incident.

[Case summary]

In December 2016, a major curated health information site posted a lot of false information and was attracting a lot of access, making a big news.

This site is said to have posted a lot of content that conflicts with the law (hoaxes, plagiarized content, etc.) on the site, and it is said that it has disrupted society. developed.

The points of what the curation site was doing can be said to be the following two.

  1. Operated a site that posted false health information and plagiarized content
  2. We took SEO measures for the site and attracted many users

Of these, the violation of the law is 1. The act of operating a site that posts false health information or plagiarized content .
The act of SEO countermeasures itself is not directly related to the cause of this incident.

Recklessly avoiding SEO measures is nothing but an opportunity loss

Due to the above misconceptions, it seems that there are quite a few site managers who confuse SEO measures with illegal activities or something else and keep away from SEO measures.

The cause of this misunderstanding lies in the belief that Google and SEO measures are "something mysterious". However, Google is just one of the web services operated by the same company as your company.

Due to such a misunderstanding, if you do not take SEO measures on your homepage, you are missing out on the opportunity to increase sales from your homepage.

You and Google both need profits, so...

Google (Alphabet) is a company, so it needs to make a profit. That's why we want you to use advertising.

You too, if you are a corporate organization or business owner, need to make a profit.

Both Google and you are the same company.

Therefore, it is up to you to decide whether to rely on Adwords (= pay Google to attract customers) or take SEO measures (= attract customers without paying to Google). .

If you can recoup your advertising costs, go with Adwords

Google says, "Let's combine SEO measures and advertising."
However, there is nothing wrong with not doing exactly that.

AdWords ads that are likely to lead to sales include those that exceed 6.83 dollars per click. Even if you sell one for every 100 clicks, the advertising cost will be 682.50 dollars

If you can prepare that 682.5 dollars and you can collect it with sales, Adwords is fine.

Adwords is not the only way to attract customers

However, there are a large number of small and medium-sized businesses, both in Japan and overseas, that cannot easily prepare 682.5 dollars for Adwords advertising expenses.

And if such a company takes Google's story with a grain of salt,

"I don't have money to advertise, so let's give up on attracting customers to the homepage..."

It tends to be.
But you don't have to think so.

Even if you don't spend 682.50 dollars on Adwords, there is a way to attract customers to your website using Google. That's SEO.

Basically any website needs SEO

Sites that increase sales on the homepage have solid SEO measures. This is true whether you are a small site or a large corporate site with a budget.

However, for sites of small to medium-sized companies that do not have a lot of advertising expenses, whether or not cost-effective SEO measures are firmly in place will determine the success or failure of attracting customers to the website.

The strength of SEO measures is that they are extremely cost-effective

Google will prepare all the infrastructure for Adwords, but it will cost you a high fee instead.

On the other hand, SEO measures can produce results even with a small budget.
However, in exchange, there are some efforts that must be made on the site administrator's part.
For example, efforts such as writing content and increasing the number of pages.

However, if you are a site manager who writes the content (text) of the site by yourself, the cost-effectiveness obtained by SEO measures should be quite large.

In particular, if you are new to SEO, SEO Pack is suitable for you. It is a popular service for SMEs and small businesses that can complete basic SEO measures for only 544.64 per month.

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