Trending Searches on Youtube: Top Searches on Google

 Trending Searches on YouTube

Trending Searches on Youtube

YouTube is now the second most-used search engine in the world (the first being Google, of course).

However, most videos still do not have even the minimum SEO measures. In other words, if you practice YouTube SEO measures, the chances of your video being displayed high in the search rankings are currently increasing.

On this page, we will introduce 5 SEO methods that you can implement on YouTube. If you can improve your video search rankings on YouTube by implementing these SEO measures, you will be able to reach more users with your videos.

5 SEO methods you can implement on YouTube
  1. Select SEO keywords for YouTube
  2. Optimize the four important meta tags for SEO measures
  3. Analyze and improve your videos with YouTube Analytics
  4. Try to increase the viewing time per video playback count.
  5. Actively interact with video viewers

Please put these 5 SEO measures into practice to maximize the effect of your videos in attracting customers. Now, let's take a look at SEO strategies on YouTube.

Table of Contents Close ]

  • 1Select SEO keywords for YouTube
    • 1. Identify related keywords through keyword research
    • ② Investigate search volume and narrow down keywords for countermeasures
  • 2Optimize the four important meta tags for SEO measures
    • title
    • Explanatory text
    • thumbnail
    • tag
  • 3Analyze and improve your videos with YouTube Analytics
  • 4. To increase the viewing time per video playback count.
    • 1. Summary the whole video first
    • 2. Get straight to the point
    • 3. Preview in the video
  • 5. Actively interact with video viewers
    • encourage comments
    • Call for likes and channel registration
    • Get your video shared
  • 6Summary: Increase your search rankings with YouTube SEO measures!

Select SEO keywords for YouTube

Selecting appropriate keywords is very important for YouTube SEO.

Similar to Google search SEO, YouTube SEO starts with keyword research. If you choose the right SEO keywords, your video will appear not only on YouTube but also on Google search results, allowing you to gain more traffic.

Four types of videos appear in Google search results:

Types of videos displayed on the search results screen
  • Instructional videos (tutorials, how-tos, etc.)
  • Review Video
  • Experiment video
  • presentation video

Appropriate SEO keyword selection is essential to display these YouTube videos in Google search results.

To select appropriate SEO keywords, use the following two methods: `` keyword research '' and `` search volume research .''

1. Identify related keywords through keyword research

In keyword research, start by identifying search keywords (related keywords, suggested keywords) in the field of the YouTube video you are creating. Here are four easy ways to identify related keywords through keyword research.

Keyword research method
  • How to research by typing in the YouTube search box
  • How to research using the free tool “Keyword Tool”
  • How to investigate using the paid tool “Ahrefs”
  • How to investigate using YouTube Analytics

How to research by entering keywords in the YouTube search box

Get suggested keywords for SEO using the YouTube search box
The first method is to use YouTube's search function to find related keywords.

When you enter "underscore (_)" + "keyword" in the YouTube search box, YouTube will suggest highly relevant SEO keywords.

For example, if you want to get keywords related to the SEO keyword "YouTube", enter " _YouTube ". The same goes for searching for compound keywords like "youtube seo". No need to press the search button.

In addition, you can also obtain related keywords by leaving a space after entering the countermeasure keyword (e.g. [YouTube], [YouTube seo]) in the same way as with Google search.  In fact, this is the easiest method, so please try it.

How to research using the free tool “Keyword Tool”

YouTube SEO keyword acquisition tool “Keyword Tool”One way is to use tools.

"Keyword Tool" is a well-known tool for researching SEO keywords on YouTube.

Select the YouTube tab on the search box and enter your search keywords to get related keywords.

Note that if you just want to get related keywords, you can use the free version, but values ​​such as ``search volume,'' ``trend,'' ``cost per click,'' and ``competition level,'' which are important indicators for SEO measures, can only be seen in the paid version.

How to investigate using the paid tool “Ahrefs”

You can also research YouTube's SEO keywords using Google's famous SEO tool Ahrefs.

To use it, log in to Ahrefs, click [Keywords Explorer] in the global navigation at the top of the page => select the [YouTube] tab, and then enter the keyword you want to research into the red frame in the image above.

Ahrefs is a paid tool, but it is an essential tool if you are serious about SEO, so please give it a try.

YouTube Analytics

I will explain the details later, but by using YouTube Analytics, you can analyze the keywords from which your video viewers are coming in, as well as the traffic from YouTube search results.

The "Traffic Source: YouTube Search" card in the Reach tab shows the keywords searched by people who found your YouTube video.

Basically, the traffic should come from keywords that you are using for SEO, but on rare occasions, you may discover keywords that you would not have thought of.

It might be a good idea to add such ``keywords actually searched by users'' as new SEO keywords and optimize your videos.

② Investigate search volume and narrow down keywords for countermeasures

Once you have exhausted all relevant keywords through keyword research, it's time to check the search volume. Google's Keyword Planner is a great way to check the search volume.

If you use Google's Keyword Planner, you can see how often viewers are searching for a particular keyword, so you can decide which keywords to use when creating videos.

Using keywords with low search volume for SEO is not a good choice. As a guideline, target videos with a search volume of 300 or more.

Additionally, with tools such as Google Keyword Planner, the aforementioned Keyword Tool, and Ahrefs, you can check the "competitiveness" of a keyword in addition to search volume. In the beginning, one of the YouTube SEO strategies is to target keywords with low competition.

YouTube's SEO keyword selection is essentially the same as Google's SEO measures, so please refer to the following pages as well.

See how to choose keywords

Optimize the four important meta tags for SEO measures

By optimizing your meta tags, your videos will appear more easily in search results and you can expect a higher click-through rate. Therefore, meta tag optimization for YouTube videos is one of the very important SEO measures.

For YouTube SEO, you need to optimize the following four meta tags to let search engines and users know what the video is about.

4 meta tags important for YouTube SEO
  • Title
  • Explanatory text
  • Tag
  • Thumbnail


The title is the most important meta tag.

The title is the first text that users see, and it is an important factor in determining whether viewers will click on your page. Therefore, you need to be creative with your title and make it appealing.

To create an attractive title, try the following methods.

Tips for choosing a title
  • Include search keywords
  • Add words that have an impact, such as “shock”
  • If it is a series, please specify which episode it is.

In this way, the method of giving attractive titles to YouTube videos has some similarities with Google's SEO measures. Please refer to the following page for detailed explanations of how to write effective titles.

It should be noted that on YouTube, the match rate between search keywords and titles is considered to be more important than on regular Google searches. When setting a title for Google search SEO, you should write it so that it includes the user's search keyword, but on YouTube, it seems that the match between the search keyword and the video title is even more important.

Therefore, as introduced in the keyword research section, using YouTube Analytics to understand what keywords users are searching for is also effective for YouTube SEO.

Explanatory text

YouTube descriptions are an important element in YouTube SEO, as they affect Google search results and related video  In this video, you need to write the content of the video concisely, such as what kind of things are being talked about.

You can enter up to 5,000 characters for the depiction, however we prescribe 200 to 350 words. Use Search engine optimization catchphrases however much as could be expected in the portrayal to advance your video. Nonetheless, be mindful so as not to utilize such a large number of watchwords or your site will be treated as spam.

It is also helpful for users to introduce other related videos in the description. In that case, be sure to include text that clearly describes the content of the linked video along with the link.


Setting a thumbnail that lets you know what kind of video it is at a glance is the key to increasing your click-through rate.

A thumbnail is the equivalent of a magazine cover. To create thumbnails that people will want to click on, keep the following three points in mind.

Points to consider when choosing thumbnails
  • If the person shows their face in the video, please include their face.
  • Make text fonts and colors stand out
  • in consistent thumbnails

Those who are showing their faces should show their faces.

Humans have a tendency to be drawn to the eyes. Taking advantage of this property, SEO measures often use images of people in the first view of LPs.

People may stop scrolling when they see your eyes while selecting a video, so if you're posting a video with your face visible, be sure to create a thumbnail that includes your face.

Thumbnails with faces are also effective in effectively promoting text, products, etc., as they have a guiding effect through the line of sight.

Make text fonts and colors stand out

Using text in your thumbnail is the best way to tell users what your YouTube video is about.

The color, size, and font of the text you should use will change depending on whether the video is fun or dangerous. Place the words while paying attention to the words you want to stand out and the impression their thumbnails give.

Consistent thumbnails

Even if you are trying to get people to click on your video, you should not set a thumbnail that is not appropriate for the video content.

Don't use thumbnails that seem to fool viewers and are far from the content. Even if you get clicks, people won't view your content, and it will affect your branding.


Unlike Google's meta tags, YouTube tags have SEO benefits such as appearing on related videos.

If you include big keywords or trending keywords in your tags, you can expect SEO effects. Set "related keywords" and "related phrases" as tags for the YouTube videos you post.

Analyze and improve your videos with YouTube Analytics

Just as search engine SEO is analyzed using Google Analytics, YouTube SEO uses YouTube Analytics to analyze videos.

Just like when creating content for Google SEO, YouTube SEO doesn't end once you post a video, it's important to continue to analyze and improve it. Analyze your videos with YouTube Analytics, identify current issues, and use it to create better video content.

With YouTube Analytics, you can find out the following:

What you can learn from YouTube analytics
  • Viewer age, gender, and country of viewing
  • Total play time, number of views, and average viewing time of popular videos
  • How viewers find their videos (search, related videos, top page)

If you analyze this information, you may find a different audience group or source of traffic than you imagined. In that case, you will need to optimize your videos differently.

For example, if you get a lot of access from unexpected countries, creating subtitles in that country's language is one SEO measure.

Try to increase the viewing time per video playback count.

On YouTube, video viewing time is closely related to search rankings. YouTube has already announced that videos that are watched by viewers for a long time are rated higher.

No matter how many times a video is viewed, it will be difficult to rank high in search rankings if the viewing time is not included.

Here we will introduce three tips for creating videos that will keep your viewers watching until the end.

Video creation tips
  1. Summarize the entire video first
  2. Let's get straight to the point
  3. Make a preview of the video

1. Summary the whole video first

It is said that 20% of viewers leave a video within the first 10 seconds.

In many cases, viewers abandon your videos because of how they start. Videos that often cause viewers to leave are videos that start without knowing the structure of the video.

At the beginning of your video, summarize what you're going to do and show your audience that it's worth watching.

2. Get straight to the point

Unless you are a famous YouTuber, viewers won't go along with your long opening talk.

After saying hello and introducing the content of the video, it's time to get straight to the point.

3. Preview in the video

Just like in TV shows, it is also an effective method to preview important information at the beginning of the video to attract users.

You may have heard lines like, ``At the end, we will announce the content of the viewer gift.'' As a viewer, you can't help but watch until the end, wondering what you're going to get.

By giving a preview like this in the video (especially at a time when the user is likely to leave), you can keep the viewer's attention until the end.

Actively interact with video viewers

When it comes to YouTube SEO, interacting with your viewers also affects search rankings.

Here we will explain three important aspects of interacting with viewers and how to optimize them.

3 important items when interacting with video viewers
  • Encourage comments
  • Call for likes and channel registration
  • Get your video shared

Encourage comments

encourage comments
Encourage viewers to comment by including a line at the end of the video, such as ``Please tell us your opinion about 〇〇.''

According to a study conducted by Back Links on 1.3 million videos, there is a positive correlation between YouTube search rankings and the number of comments.

In fact, popular videos that appear at the top of search results often have more comments than you can read. Viewers will want to leave feedback after they enjoy your video, so encourage them to leave comments at the end of your video.

Also, replying to posted comments is important in terms of interacting with viewers. Above all, viewers are happy when they receive replies from creators, which can lead to acquiring users who will continue to watch your channel's videos over the long term.

Call for likes and channel registration

Getting likes or subscribing to your channel after watching a video shows that your channel is useful and interesting to your viewers.

In other words, calling for likes and channel subscriptions is thought to have a large impact on YouTube search results (SEO effect).

That's why many YouTubers ask people to like or subscribe at the end of their videos.

Get your video shared

It is also important to create content that viewers find useful or interesting and to encourage them to share the videos.

Viewers want to share videos they find interesting. Conversely, the more videos are shared, the more support they receive from viewers.

Additionally, videos that are well-received by viewers will naturally receive high ratings from YouTube, so they are also effective for SEO.

To get your videos shared, make sure your content is useful and interesting to your audience. If you don't make the content essentially good, not some fancy technique, you won't get people to share it.

Summary: Increase your search rankings with YouTube SEO measures!

Summary: Increase your search rankings with YouTube SEO measures!
We introduced 5 SEO methods for YouTube, what do you think?

Simply uploading a video will not increase the number of views. It is important to take YouTube SEO measures to display at the top of search rankings and catch the attention of viewers.

I hope you will implement the SEO measures introduced above and create videos that will attract more access.

Thank you very much for reading to the end.

In addition to YouTube videos, this site also provides SEO measures to rank high on Google's search engine. If you are even a little curious, please read along.

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