Universal Analytics to GA4: Google Analytics

Universal Analytics to GA4

"Empower your online presence with the prowess of Google Analytics - the key to unlocking actionable data and optimizing your digital strategy for success!"

 Many companies are not yet compatible with Google Analytics 4 (GA4) released in October 2020. However, the free version of Universal Analytics (UA) is scheduled to stop measuring on July 1, 2023, and the paid version of UA is scheduled to stop measuring on July 1, 2024.

Data from the free version of Universal Analytics (UA) will no longer be able to be measured from July 2023, and it will be impossible to acquire data through API linkage. However, as of March 2023, only about 50% of the websites of domestic listed companies have been migrated to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) (according to SEM Technology survey). .

Of course, there are access analysis tools other than GA4, but the options are limited. “If you are currently using UA for data analysis, GA4 is your first choice for migration,” asserts Ogawa.

Since GA4 and UA have different fundamental measurement methods, past UA data cannot be migrated to GA4, but UA data storage is essential in order to utilize past data.

Also, the time required to migrate to GA4 depends on the current UA settings, but "it is better to wait two weeks to three months" (Mr. Ogawa). In other words, if you haven't started the transition to GA4 yet, it's time to wait, given the transition period.

Settings to be made when migrating to GA4

So how far should the GA4 settings be when migrating? It depends on the usage of UA. If you just want to see "number of accesses", "page views", and "number of conversions", "add measurement description", "initial settings" and "conversion settings" are sufficient, but custom settings for improving analysis and acquisition of EC sales etc. If so, it will be necessary to migrate existing requirements or implement additional measures for newly acquired metrics. To further expand the range of use, it will be linked with BigQuery and other tools.

Add measurement tags required for all sites

To use GA4, you will need to set up a measurement tag on your website. According to Mr. Ogawa, there are several patterns for adding measurement tags, and they can be classified as shown in the following figure.

First, if you have not introduced UA to your existing site, you should implement it using "Google Tag Manager". If you have introduced UA and are using a tag manager, describe the GA4 tag in Google Tag Manager. If you haven't incorporated Google Tag Manager into your workflow and find yourself manually inserting tags or relying on a WordPress plugin, you can choose between implementing the gtag.js code or selecting a plugin that is compatible with GA4

In any method, it is necessary to create a property (measurement box) in GA4. There are two ways to create a property: create a new GA4 property or upgrade an existing property to GA4. In addition, since UA and GA4 can be used together, it is better to be able to compare both in order to verify the discrepancies in numbers for a while.

initial settings required for any pattern

Now, after creating the GA4 property and setting the measurement tag, initial settings are required. Items to be measured from the set timing should be set at the time of introduction. Let's introduce them in order.

Google signals

When visitors visit a site while linked in to their Google accounts, Google signals can be utilized to establish whether they are the same users across all devices. In addition, if the user has enabled optimized advertisement distribution, gender as well as age can be recognized as user factors.

Only 20% to 30% of all users meet the conditions, but since it is possible to determine whether they are the same user across devices, the accuracy of analysis increases.

Data retention period

By default, "Retain user and event data" is set to 2 months. For the free version, you can choose 2 months or 14 months, so I would like to set it to 14 months. Since reports can be viewed for more than 14 months even with the default settings, this setting is the retention period for data used in "search".

Extended measurement function

Items such as "scrolling", "leaving clicks", "video engagement", and "file download", which had to be implemented in UA, can now be acquired automatically in GA4. It's on by default, so leave it as is.

Conversion settings

You can set conversions such as inquiries, membership registrations, and purchases that you want to achieve on your website, and you can check the number of conversions.

Events such as "click" and "first visit" are registered in the event list, so if you mark the item you want to set as "conversion", it will be measured as a conversion.

Gets what the event did. If you want to convert something that does not exist in the event list, such as viewing a specific page, set "Custom event name", "Parameter name" and "Calculation value" as a new event from "Create event". If you turn on conversion for the registered event, it will be recognized and measured as a conversion.

Transition process and transition period if UA is used extensively

If UA is properly configured and used for analysis and improvement, the existing settings will be migrated, so the migration process will increase. Depending on the usage situation, it will take 1 to 3 months to migrate because it will go through the following steps.

  1. Organize existing requirements
  2. Add New Requirement
  3. Initial implementation
  4. Initial setting
  5. Additional implementation
  6. Additional settings
  7. Measurement confirmation
  8. production release
  9. Arrangement of data browsing methods
  10. Migration of linkage tools

In "Organization of existing requirements", we will organize the current usage situation, confirm who is looking at the numbers with what requirements, and in what format they are looking at the data, and decide whether to support it in GA4. It's a good idea to email anyone who has UA access and see what they're using it for. If you have been using it for a long time, you may have old settings or duplicate settings, so organize them. On top of that, we will establish a policy on how to deal with it in GA4.

In "New requirements", organize items that you want to measure additionally, items that could not be obtained in the past but can be seen in GA4. Since this is a forced relocation, please take this as an important opportunity to organize the existing and new requirements and review the operation rules. 

Initial implementation and initial setup

In the initial implementation and initial settings, after making the following settings, check if it can be measured, and once that is done, it is good to implement site-specific implementation such as specific link clicks, e-commerce measurement, etc.

  1. Create GA4 property
  2. Add GA4 tags (directly or via Tag Manager)
  3. Property permission management
  4. Activate Google Signals
  5. Change data retention period
  6. Advanced measurement function settings
  7. Cross-domain setting
  8. Internal traffic settings (exclude internal IPs, etc.)
  9. Exclude referrer settings
  10. Cooperation with other systems (Google Search Console, Google Ads, etc.)
  11. Conversion settings

Considering the end of the measurement in July 2023, now is the only time to start the work that takes several months. If you migrate the current settings as they are, you will regret it, so it is important to organize the requirements before migrating (Mr. Ogawa)

How to use GA4 after migration

After moving to GA4, think about how to use it. In that case, the following work is required.

  1. Measurement confirmation
  2. Authorization
  3. Get started with reports
  4. Try creating a report with the search function
  5. Study session
  6. Looker Studio rework
  7. Replace existing report with GA4 data
  8. Check numerical comparisons and differences with UA

First of all, UA and GA4 have different measurement mechanisms, so "the measurement will be off by about 10%" (Mr. Ogawa). However, if it is extremely misaligned or if a specific page cannot be obtained, reconfirmation is required.

In authorization, there may be accounts of retired people and former agencies, so organize them.

Next, we will use the report and search functions to see how to check the content we have analyzed so far with GA4. It is also necessary to hold an in-house study group to familiarize people with how to use it. If you're using Looker Studio, it's a rework.

1. Create corresponding materials on how to publish reports that have been published in UA until now in GA4

To see what you see in UA in GA4, you need to use both reports and searches. Without acquiring unnecessary data, add the necessary indicators such as "scroll", "external link click", and "other customized items" that can be newly acquired. If the system is linked, talk with the person in charge of the tool and confirm the availability and schedule.

2. Get used to the operation method of GA4

In-house study sessions are recommended. Someone in the company can be a lecturer, or you can ask an external person. Also, create a questionnaire using a tool such as a spreadsheet or Backlog. There will always be similar questions, so I try to look there first, and if I don't understand, ask them individually.

3. Confirm numerical discrepancies and reconfigure KPIs, etc.

It is a major premise that the numbers are different between UA and GA4. The specifications, the acquisition timing, and the meaning of the terms are also different. Therefore, it is necessary to check how much it is off by using it together for several months, and to reconfigure the KPI settings.

"Page views", "sessions", "users", "conversions", etc. will be off by a few percent, and "source channel" and "stay time" will be off even more.

You have to judge whether the deviation is due to an implementation error or a specification. If there is a gap on a specific page, specific device, etc., it is often an implementation mistake. KPIs will be reset based on the GA4 figures

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