Organic Search in Google Analytics: How to Find Search Terms

Organic Search in Google Analytics

A visual representation of Google Analytics dashboard with a focus on Organic Search metrics.

With Google Analytics, there are two methods for figuring out what search terms individuals use to arrive at your site. One is utilizing the natural search report, and the other is utilizing the search query report. There are differences in what can be examined in each report, so we should utilize the two strategies appropriately to perform site analytics.

In this article, we will clarify how to utilize the "Organic Search Report" and the "Search Query Report" to figure out search terms in Google Analytics.

Table of Contents 
  • 1. The Significance of Exploring Search Words
  • 1.1. The user's pursuit aim can be gotten a handle on from search words
  • 1.2. You can get a handle on the record status of the page from the search word
  • 2. How to peruse the natural search report
  • 2.1. What is the search term "not given"?
  • 2.2. What is the search word "not set"?
  • 2.3. Search keyword investigation by page
  • 2.4. Conversion investigation via search watchword
  • 3. How to find your search question
  • 3.1. Step 1: Add your site to the research Search Control center
  • 3.2. Step 2: Connect with the Google Search Control Center
  • 3.3.Step ③ Show search catchphrases
  • 3.4. Keyword analytics by page
  • 3.5. Search Control data information not reflected in natural search reports
  • 4. Contrasts between search question report numbers and search console numbers
  • 5. How to find search keywords in the four properties of Google Analytics
  • 6. Items that can be analyzed for each search engine 
  • 7. Attend seminars to learn the basics of SEO 
  • 8. summary

  • The Significance of Exploring Search Words

There are two main benefits to looking at the search terms that users use when they land on your site.

The user's search intent can be read from the search words

From the search words, you can read what the user was looking for and what brought them to the website.

For instance, in this article, if "search catchphrase not given" is a search word, you can peruse the search aim, for example, "What isn't given in Google Examination" and "I need to know how to research, not from top to bottom.".

If "search word search technique" is a search word, you can peruse the pursuit plan of "I need to know how to figure out the inquiry expressions of clients who stream into the site."

You can devise a plan to enhance your content once you understand the search intent.

You can grasp the index status of the page from the search word

Knowing the user's search words means knowing what kind of search words your site will appear in the search results.

If you are getting inflow with search words that are different from the content of the content, the content may not be indexed by Google as intended.

It's a good idea to review your content from a technical SEO perspective.

How to Pursue the Organic Search Report

Google Analytics allows you to see the search terms that flowed into your site from organic searches (search engines).

If you select [Acquisition]-[Campaign]-[Organic Keywords] from the menu, the keywords will be displayed as follows.

You can check the number of sessions and bounce rate for each search keyword.

What is the search term "not provided"?

The #1 keyword displayed in the organic keywords report is  not provided).

"not provided" means that the keyword searched by the search engine could not be measured. Since "not provided" accounts for more than 95% of the total, most of them cannot be measured.

Google Analytics uses a mechanism to obtain search words from the Refer header sent by the browser. 

When I search with Bing, the search word is included in the Refer header when I get to the site, but when I search from Google or Yahoo!, the search word is not included. 

That's why Google and Yahoo! keywords, which make up the majority of search engines, are displayed as "not provided."

The share of Bing search is about 10% on PCs and less than 1% on smartphones.

In other words, the organic search keyword report only shows keywords for about 10% of desktop searches and less than 1% of mobile searches.

To visualize (not provided) , use the "Search Query Report" (see below). In the search query report, you can check the search keywords of Google and Yahoo!.

What is the search word "not set"?

Compared to "not provided", the number is overwhelmingly small, but "not set" is sometimes displayed as a keyword.

Similar to "not provided", this also indicates that the keyword could not be measured on the Google Analytics side.

Currently, it is often not set when searching from DuckDuckGo.

Search keyword analysis by page

You can also search for search keywords by landing page (page that was flown in).

  1. Click the primary dimension Landing Page.
  2. Click Secondary Dimension and select Keywords.

Select 'Keywords' instead of 'Search Keywords' as the secondary dimension. It is not displayed in the "Search Keyword".

  1. Click Advanced. not provided|not setFrom left to right, enter [Exclude], [Keyword], and [Regular expression match].
  2. Click Apply.
By setting the advanced filter, you can exclude "not provided" and "not set", making the list easier to see.

Conversion analysis by searching keyword

You can analyze which search keywords have a high conversion rate for users who entered your site.

Although the number of parameters is small, you can see the relationship between keywords and conversions.

It is valuable because it is an item that can only be analyzed with the "Organic Search Keyword Report".

How to find your search query

You can check the search keywords of Google and Yahoo! by using the search query report of Google Analytics.

In addition, you can see not only the search words but also the ranking and click-through rate, so you can get more detailed information than the organic search keywords.

This is a report that overcomes the weaknesses of the "organic search keyword report" that can only check Bing search keywords.

However, in the initial state of Google Analytics, it is not possible to examine search queries, and it will be displayed as "There is no data for this report." To check search queries, register your site in Google Search Console in advance and link with Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

Step 1: Add your site to Google Search Console

If you are new to Google Search Console, register with Google Search Console.

Also, if you already have a Search Console account and have not registered the site you want to measure in Search Console, open Search Console and add the site (called a property).

It takes 2-3 days for the searched keywords to be reflected in Google Search Console. Also, after registering with the Search Console, the accumulation of keywords begins. Register for the Search Console as soon as possible.

Step 2: Link with Google Search Console

If you have not linked Google Analytics with Google Search Console, follow the steps below to link it.

  • Open the management screen.
  • Select the property of the site linked with Google Search Console.
  • Select the [Property Settings] menu.
  • Click Adjust Search Console.
  1. Click the Add link.
  2. Select your site in Google Search Console.
  3. Click Save.
The site list in the Search Console only shows the URL prefix type (not the domain property). If you only have domain properties registered in Google Search Console, register your site as a URL prefix. The coexistence of domain property and URL prefix type is OK.

Step ③ Display search keywords

After 2-3 days from registration, keywords will be displayed in the [Acquisition]-[Search Console]-[Search Query] menu.

Acquisition > Search Console > Search Query Report

In addition to search keywords, the number of clicks, impressions, and average position are displayed.

The average position is how your site appears in search results. The click rate is easily influenced by the ranking, so if you are not able to attract customers as expected, it is a good idea to improve the ranking with SEO measures.

Keyword analysis by page

The keywords displayed above are all the keywords that flowed into the site. Use Google Search Console to find keywords for each landing page.

Search Console data not reflected in the organic search report

If you link with Google Search Console, you will only be able to see [Acquisition]-[Search Console].

Don't forget that the organic search report will still show "Not Provided" as before.

Differences between search query report numbers and search console numbers

Depending on the page, the number of impressions or clicks in the Search Query Report may not match the number of impressions or clicks in the Google Search Console. Sometimes the numbers in the search query report seem small, sometimes they seem big.

This is because Google Analytics and Google Search Console categorize landing pages differently.

A landing page in Google Analytics is the URL that a user accesses in a browser. On the other hand, Google Search Console is a canonical URL, which is a representative URL that summarizes several URLs. It is more likely to occur when the page is divided into multiple URLs such as the PC version, smartphone version, and AMP version.

Also, Google Search Console URLs may contain fragments starting with "#" as follows:

Due to this difference in how URLs are aggregated, discrepancies in numbers occur between Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

How to find out search keywords in Google Analytics 4 property

So far, we have introduced how to find search keywords in Universal Analytics properties.

On the other hand, GA4 Property does not support cooperation with Search Console, so you cannot search for search keywords on GA4 Property (as of September 2021).

By linking Universal Analytics and Search Console, you will be able to analyze using the Universal Analytics Organic Search Report and Search Query Report.

Items that can be analyzed for each search engine

After all, I organized by search engine what can be analyzed with Google Analytics.

Search keyword
Ranking× (*2)

Search keyword analysis by page
× (*1)

Conversion analysis by keyword

*1 Can be analyzed using Google Search Console.
*2 Can be analyzed with Bing Webmaster Tools.

In addition to Google Analytics, if you use Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools, you can say that you can do almost almighty analysis.

Here's how to find search terms in Google Analytics.

Bing has a low number of searches, but you can see the search keywords without needing to set up Google Analytics. By linking with Search Console, you can check Google search keywords, including click-through rate and ranking.

In addition, it is convenient to have a dedicated analysis tool to efficiently check the search keywords within the site. By using the keyword analysis function of the /access analysis & SEO analysis tool "Anatomy", you can check keywords and Google Analytics indicators such as page views together.

Please register your site with Google Search Console as it will be useful for analyzing search keywords.

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