Google Display Network: Check Settings and Use with Listing Ads

Google Display Network

"Illustration depicting Google Display Network concept with diverse online advertisements."

 Table of content

  Differences between GDN and YDA (Yahoo! Ads Display Ads/former YDN)

  1. What you can do with GDN

  2. GDN banner size and file format

  3. GDN billing method

  4. Differentiating between Display Ads and Listing Ads

  5. Optimizing the LP of the ad click destination is also important

For beginners considering the operation of Google Ads GDN (Google Display Network), we will explain the types of Google Ads and the difference from YDA.

What is GDN (Google Display Network)?

  • GDN (Google Display Network) is a display advertisement published by Google Ads. Display ads are advertisements posted on the Internet using images, videos, text, etc. GDN allows you to place advertisements on services provided by Google and services affiliated with Google.

  • For example, advertisements can be placed on YouTube, a service provided by Google, blogs of partner companies, etc., and advertisements can be delivered to various people.

  • Types of Google ads other than display ads

  • Here are the types of Google ads other than display ads.

  • Listing Ads (Search Ads)

  • Listing ads are text-format ads displayed on the Google search results screen. Ads in text format do not need to create an image and can be set up with just the text and the URL of the web page, so there is no need to worry about setting up the ad.

  • Video Ads (YouTube)

  • Video ads are video-style ads that appear before, during, or after watching a YouTube video. The advantage is that you can include more information than text ads or banner ads.

  • shopping ads

  • Shopping ads are retail ads that appear on Google's search results screen. You can display product images, prices, and inventory status. Since the product information is displayed in a list on the search engine, it is possible to approach the user visually.

  • App campaign

  • Google app campaigns are ads designed for placement in Google search results and Google Play, which is Google's digital content distribution service. These campaigns offer three distinct goals for advertisers to select from:

  1. App install (can encourage app installation)

  2. App engagement (users who have installed the app can be directed to the LP)

  3. App pre-registration (encourages pre-registration and raises awareness before the app is released) 

Differences between GDN and YDA 

For display advertising, there are ad networks called GDN and YDA.GDN stands for "Google Display Network" and YDA stands for "Yahoo! Ads Display Ads" It is possible to post advertisements to partners using each advertising service.  Display Ad Network (YDN)". With GDN, you can place ads on Gmail, YouTube, etc., and with YDA, you can place ads on Yahoo!

  • Advertising is not the end once it is published, it is necessary to repeatedly verify the effectiveness and continue to improve. Basic types and mechanisms of web advertising, Points to keep in mind to increase the effectiveness of advertising. We are releasing a preserved version of the material that summarizes. Please refer to that as well. 

  • What you can do with GDN

  • When placing ads on GDN, you can narrow down the people you want to show your ads to and the media you want to place them to some extent. Let's take a closer look.

  • Narrowing down users (targeting)

  • By targeting users. You can narrow down to some extent what kind of users you want to see your ads. Refinement techniques include remarketing, similar audiences, and interest categories. Let's take a closer look.

  • Remarketing

  • Remarketing is a method of making a list of users who have visited a website once and delivering advertisements. When a user purchases a product, it is almost always the case that they compare it with the products of other companies.

  •  As a result, quite a few users leave without purchasing the company's products when they visit the website for the first time.

  • In remarketing, advertisements are delivered to users who have visited the company's website, so it has the effect of making the company's products unforgettable and reminding them. 

  • It is said that the cost-effectiveness is high because users who have visited the website are also users who are interested in the company's products.

  • Similar users

  • Similar audiences are a method of targeting users who have "behavior similar" to users who have visited the website. Remarketing, which targets users who have visited a website, tends to target smaller ad distribution targets.

  • On the other hand, targeting similar users has the advantage of being able to deliver ads to users who have similar characteristics to existing users who recognize your company, as well as being able to deliver ads to users who do not recognize your company.

  • Interest category

  • Interest categories are a method of targeting users by categories of interest. Users are categorized based on the websites they have visited in the past and search keywords.

  • For example, users who search for the keyword “SEO” are likely to be interested in SEO, and are more likely to see ads for SEO tools and webinars about SEO. Unlike remarketing and similar audiences, the advantage is that you don't need the data of existing users who have visited your site.

  • Refinement of Placement (Targeting)

  • For display advertising, the targeting method narrows down the place where the advertisement is displayed to some extent. There are also techniques for narrowing it down, such as topic targeting and placement targeting. Let's take a closer look.

  • Topic target

  • Topic targeting is a method of specifying an ad placement destination from ad spaces categorized by theme when placing an ad. The ad distribution source categorizes the ad space of various websites by theme, so the ad distribution side can set the targeting simply by selecting from the predetermined categories.

  • Since it is targeted by theme, it is characterized by a high degree of relevance between the website on which the advertisement is placed and the advertisement to be placed.

  • Placement target

  • Placement targeting is a method of placing advertisements by specifying a specific position on a specific website or ad space. 

  • Placement targeting is suitable for cases such as when there is a clear website that can be expected to be effective if the advertisement is placed.

  • By looking at the results of ad delivery with other targeting, you can see which websites have high advertising effectiveness. 

  • Higher advertising effectiveness can be expected if advertisements can be distributed in a state where the websites with high advertising effectiveness are known in advance. 

  • GDN banner size and file format

  • There are multiple banner sizes officially announced by Google, but first of all, we
  • will explain the image sizes that can be used in common with GDN (Google Display Ads) and YDA (Yahoo! Ads Display Ads), which are convenient for advertising.

  • 300 x 250 (rectangle)

728×90 (Big Banner)

160×600 (wide skyscraper)

320×50 (mobile banner)

300×600 (half-page advertisement)

  • The above five types are recommended banner sizes. For images use PNG, GIF or JPG

  • GDN billing method

  • There are two billing methods for GDN: “click billing” and “impression billing” is. Pay-per-click is the mainstream billing method, but you can also choose to pay for impressions. Choose a billing method that fits your marketing strategy.

  • Pay per click

  • Pay-per-click is based on how many times your ad is clicked. There is no cost if the ad is not clicked.

  • The cost per click is called CPC (cost per click), and it is an important indicator when advertising with pay-per-click. CPC is calculated using the formula: advertising cost divided by the number of clicks received.

  • Advertisements are not cost-effective when CPC is high. It is important to operate in such a way as to maximize the advertising effect by adjusting the targeting settings and changing the banner image.

  • Billing for impressions

  • Pay-per-thousand impressions are based on the number of times an ad is displayed. You will be charged for every 1,000 times your ad is displayed. In pay-for-impressions, the number of impressions is more important than the number of clicks.

  • Differentiating between Display Ads and Listing Ads

  • Display ads and listing ads are used depending on the user's needs. Display ads are displayed on websites that users browse daily. The advantage is that you can approach potential users with needs.

  • However, although targeting is possible to some extent, it is not possible to target users with specific concerns or needs to display ads.

  • On the other hand, listing ads pick up needs from the keywords searched by users and display ads that meet the needs of users on the Google search results screen. 

  • As a result, there are many cases where users who see listing ads have clear problems or things they want to solve. Advertisement methods suitable when user needs are apparent can be used.

  • It is a good idea to select the advertisement to be used depending on whether the user you want to approach has latent needs or actual needs.

  • Optimizing the LP of the ad click destination is also important 

When operating ads, it is important not only to follow the delivery results of the ads but also to optimize the LP (landing page) set as the click destination of the ads. 

  • Advertisements can increase the number of visitors to websites such as LPs, but if the LP to which the user clicks on the ad does not match the user's interests, it will be difficult to achieve results.

  • By using ads to attract more visitors to your web page, and optimizing your LP to match the interests of your users through ads, you should be able to increase your results more effectively.

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