Google Campaign Manager 360: Analysis and Benefits

Google Campaign Manager 360

"Illustration of a computer screen displaying the Google Campaign Manager 360 dashboard with various analytics graphs and data."

  1. What is Campaign manager 360?
  2.  Definition of campaign manager  360
  3. Analysis by Campaign Manager 360
  4. Integration with Google Analytics 360
  5. How to use Google Campaign Manager 360

What are the advantages of running an advertising campaign on the web ?
Unlike mass advertising such as television, radio, and newspapers, it can be started with a small budget, and it can be targeted using detailed data such as the user's age, gender, hobbies and preferences.

These are of course the great attractions of web advertising, but another thing we must not forget is that it is easy to collect numerical data such as the number of impressions, clicks, and conversions.
In addition, the data can be used to improve advertising measures.

 There are various tools for measuring advertising effectiveness, and the characteristics of each tool are diverse, but this time we will introduce how to use Campaign Manager 360 provided by Google.

1. #What is Campaign manager 360

It is one of the generic “Google Marketing Platform” marketing tools provided by Google.

 Even media operated by companies other than Google can be centrally managed through Campaign Manager 360 without having to submit manuscripts directly . Not only advertising provided by Google such as Display & Video 360, but also media such as SNS and DSP can be measured and verified with unified indicators.

It is an ad server that has both an advertisement management function and a distribution function, and is also a measurement system that analyzes the effectiveness of the distributed advertisement.

2. #Definition of Google campaign manager 360

  • From campaign planning, to creative design and management, to organizing and leveraging audience data, to finding and buying inventory, to measuring and optimizing campaigns, all in one tool.
  • A web-based ad management solution for advertisers and agencies that includes a comprehensive set of ad serving, targeting, verification, and reporting tools.
  • A suite of tools that provide the insights you need to better understand your user profile. Based on the insights you get from these tools, you can take appropriate action, such as improving your website or customizing your audience list.
  • A search management tool that enables agencies and marketers to effectively manage the world's largest search marketing campaigns across different engines and media channels.
3. #Analysis by Campaign Manager 360

Here, we will explain the analysis by Campaign Manager 360.

Features of conversion ( CV ) analysis

One of the big features is the elimination of duplicate conversions.
When advertising on multiple media, have you ever felt strange that the total number of conversions measured by each media is higher than the actual number of conversions?

This is because the same user contacts multiple media advertisements, and the conversion is measured for each media where they are published.
Campaign Manager 360 eliminates duplicate conversions and enables measurement across multiple media and devices.

 We will explain the difference in the number of conversions measured by media and by Campaign Manager 360, using examples of users who converted after clicking on SNS ads, display ads, and listing ads.

Conversion measurement by medium

Conversions are measured for each ad click on each medium of SNS ads, display ads, and listing ads.

Therefore, 3 conversions will be measured.

Conversion measurement with Campaign Manager 360

Conversion measurement by Campaign Manager 360 allows you to measure conversions by integrating SNS, display, and listing ads.

It also supports conversions on different devices such as desktops, mobiles, and tablets, making it possible to determine the last ad touched before conversion.

" Measure only one CV by clicking on a listing ad "

In this way, Campaign Manager 360 can avoid duplication of conversions and track unique conversions.

While this allows for accurate conversion numbers, it is not enough to give each medium a correct evaluation.

Since this "conversion measurement" is performed starting from clicks, video ads, which are less likely to lead to clicks than display ads, may produce poor results such as the number of conversions and CPA.

This is where attribution analysis comes in handy.

Maximize advertising effectiveness by correctly evaluating video ads and other ads that have contributed to changing the user's awareness even if they do not directly lead to clicks.

What is attribution analysis?

Campaign Manager 360 is even more powerful when linked with Google Analytics 360 provided by Google . (* Google Analytics 360 will be described later) One of them is “attribution analysis”.

In attribution analysis, measurement is based not only on ad clicks but also on views (browsing).

Example of view-through measurement starting from a video ad

Determines whether users who converted through listing ads (search ads) or retargeting ads were also exposed to video ads.

In addition, it is possible to analyze the route of what kind of advertisement the user came into contact with until conversion.

This makes it possible to visualize the process of user attitude change and evaluate advertisements that indirectly contributed to conversion.

Attribution analysis makes it possible to evaluate each ad based on its degree of contribution to conversion, which was difficult to evaluate with conversion analysis alone. It also makes it possible to understand what kind of ads have a high degree of contribution and to use this information in the next ad production.

So far, we have talked about measuring conversions as a goal, but depending on the campaign, it may be operated with the goal of maximizing user reach rather than conversions.
In such a case, perform overlap reach analysis and use it to select effective media.

What is Overlap Reach Analysis?

Campaign Manager 360 calculates the total reach of all measured media, and based on that, you can measure the overlap of users between each media.

In most cases, users come into contact with advertisements in various media before they change their attitude and convert.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand user reach routes and appropriately allocate budgets to effective media, but in the world of digital advertising that is evolving and becoming more complex every day, it is extremely difficult to accurately combine effective media and allocate budgets. 

Overlapping reach analysis can identify highly overlapping media, allowing you to correctly assess the reach value across media and find media combinations that maximize reach within a limited campaign budget.

4. #Integration with Google Analytics 360

As mentioned in "Attribution analysis", Campaign Manager 360 can also be linked with " Google Analytics 360 " provided by Google . Google Analytics 360 is an access analysis tool that can measure data such as site user visit status, inflow routes, and behavior patterns .

By combining the two, more detailed analysis may be undertaken, and the results can be utilized to inform campaign strategies such as remarketing.

What you can do by linking with Google Analytics 360

  • Visualize the advertising effect of views (browsing) that did not lead to clicks
  • Understand what kind of advertisements and actions taken by users who converted through listing advertisements and banner advertisements
  • Create a detailed customized user list definition such as "user behavior pattern until site visit × user attribute"
  • Analysis of results by multiplying indicators such as "time spent on site x number of times content viewed on site"
  • Analyze the effects of purchasing cycles and user contact points by combining data such as "online data of web advertising campaigns x offline data such as CRM"

In this way, it is possible to "understand the current situation throughout the entire campaign", which is difficult with individual media measurement.

Campaign Manager 360's cross-media analysis reports help you optimize budget allocation and turn the PDCA cycle for better creative and media combinations.

Understand the current state of your campaigns and analyze the data according to your goals to achieve better results.

5. #How to use Google Campaign Manager 360

By using Google Campaign Manager 360, you can perform more accurate analysis and solve problems smoothly.

However, don't you feel that it is difficult to continue the cycle of improving advertising measures, such as not knowing what kind of analysis should be done in order to maximize the advertising effect of the campaign you operate, or not knowing what kind of tools to use for accurate measurement and analysis of indicators?

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