Google Ads Remarketing: Boosting Your Advertising Campaigns

Google Ads Remarketing

This image highlights the key elements of Google Ads remarketing, showing how to target past website visitors with personalized ads to boost engagement and conversions.

What is Google Ads Remarketing?  Explain 3 reasons why you should use it!

 In this discussion, we will explain three reasons why you should use retargeting in Google Ads, as well as some precautionary measures to avoid difficulties in your retargeting efforts. If you are considering retargeting, this narrative will serve as a guide.

What is Google Ads Remarketing?

Google adverts remarketing is a complex strategy that sends personalized adverts to people who have previously visited your digital home as they navigate the vast world of Google or its affiliates. You may be familiar with the phenomena of witnessing "advertisements from a once-visited site adorning an unrelated platform"; this captures the core concept of retargeting ads.

Remarketing requires the use of a "cookie" to temporarily store user data. By utilizing this approach, even if consumers go from your sanctum to other virtual realms, the possibility of displaying your corporate missives within the ad spectrum of other platforms becomes a feasible reality.

Google Ads uses the term "remarketing," whereas its competitors, such as Yahoo! Ads and Facebook Ads, use "retargeting." While the terminology may differ depending on the medium, it is prudent to recognize a common set of qualities across the spectrum.

Types of Remarketing in Google Ads

Exploring the many features of Google Ads remarketing reveals five alternative options.

Standard Remarketing: Displays adverts when visitors visit a site or app associated with a standard remarketing advertiser through the Google Display Network (GDN).

Dynamic Remarketing: Extends the traditional paradigm by including specifics about items and services that customers viewed on the advertiser's website or app.

Remarketing Lists for Search adverts (RLSA): Displays adverts to users who explore Google after visiting an advertiser's digital sanctuary.

Video Remarketing: Displays advertisements to visitors who have visited a video or YouTube channel associated with a video remarketing advertiser when browsing GDN sites, applications, or YouTube.

Remarketing Based on Customer Lists: Materializes by uploading consumer contact information, allowing ads to be displayed to those users as they navigate the digital field using Google-enabled services.

*GDN (Google Display Network): Materializes by uploading consumer contact information, allowing ads to be displayed to those users as they navigate the digital field using Google-enabled services.

3 Reasons to Use Google Ads Remarketing

Let's go over the three main reasons for recommending Google Ads remarketing:

1. You can expect a high conversion rate (CVR)

The most significant benefit of using remarketing is the ability to re-engage users who have previously visited your site. The premise assumes a higher possibility of conversion (CVR) than their non-visiting peers.

A common proverb states that "approximately 90% of site visitors exit without making a purchase." Their departure was motivated by a variety of factors, ranging from comparative pondering to information accrual postponement. Remarketing is very effective when the desire to purchase increases over time.

2. Ideal for products with a long review period

 Remarketing emerges as the ideal strategy for products that have been under consideration for a long time. This is especially true for high-ticket items and those intended for business-to-business (B2B) transactions when decision-making is lengthy. Without ongoing interaction, single-touch conversions are unlikely.

Without carefully maintaining relationships with these potential customers, companies risk fading into obscurity or falling to competitors' attraction. Remarketing becomes the critical component in keeping these ties.

3. Targeted ad delivery is possible

Google Ads remarketing bequeaths the capacity for nuanced ad delivery. Rather than casting a wide net targeting "all visitors to your corporate realm," granular configurations, such as exclusive targeting of visitors to specific pages or exclusion of converted users, become tenable. Tailoring delivery robustness in tandem with user motivation, like fervently tracking users within a post-site departure triennium, exemplifies a sage approach.

In this manner, remarketing facilitates the dispensation of ads customized to each target demographic, culminating in a cost-effective paradigm.

Tips for using Google Ads  remarketing

Here are three things to keep in mind when using remarketing in Google Ads.

1. Unsuitable for developing new customers

 Remarketing is not great for finding new customers. This is because the function is only for tracking users who have visited your site once, and you cannot approach new users who have never visited your site.

But if you don't develop new customers, you'll eventually run out of potential customers. It will also be necessary to consider measures to increase awareness among new users, such as the operation of display ads.

2. May make users feel disgusted

 Not all users who visit your site are potential customers. Repeatedly showing ads to people who aren't prospects will turn them off. Also, even if you are a prospective customer, if the advertisement is displayed repeatedly, the impression will be bad, and it may be counterproductive.

When using remarketing, be careful not to make users feel uncomfortable by exercising ideas such as `` limiting the users who display ads'' and ``adjusting the display frequency of ads'' .

 3. Risk of brand damage and ad fraud

Google Ads remarketing uses GDN (Google Display Network) . GDN is Google's display ad distribution network, and by using this, it is possible to post ads on sites of a wide range of genres and sizes. On the other hand, since the ad distribution destination cannot be specified completely, there may be cases where the ad content is distributed to media with little relevance. Advertisements may

Be displayed on sites that violate public order and morals, leading to brand damage. In some cases, you may fall victim to "ad fraud," which uses automated programs to fraudulently increase the number of times your ads are displayed. In many cases, there have been cases where 20% of advertising costs were ad fraud.

How to set up remarketing in Google Ads

Finally, let’s take a look at how to set up remarketing in Google Ads.

① Issuance and installation of remarketing tags

In order to perform remarketing, it is necessary to issue and install a remarketing tag first.

Open the Google Ads management screen and click "Tools & Settings" > "Audience Manager" at the top of the screen.

Select "Audience Source" on the left side of the screen and click "Tag" in the Google Ads tag.

When the data source creation screen appears, select "Collect only general data about website visits to show ads to your website visitors." and click "Save and continue." "Click

Tag the websites you want to remarket to. You can select one of three tag setting methods.

②Creating a remarketing list

Next, create an audience list for remarketing.

As before, click “Tools & Settings” > “Audience Manager” at the top of the screen. Then select "Audience List" on the left and click "+".

Click Create New Campaign.

Choose the goal you want to achieve with your campaign. The ones you choose here will be useful when setting up automation, etc., so choose the ones that match your company's goals.

<How to set the audience list>

  • Audience name: Give an easy-to-understand name (e.g. within 30 days after visiting the site, etc.)
  • Members of the list ..Basically, select "users who visited the page"
  • Visited pages: Enter the target page URL. If you want to target all pages in the site, enter the top page URL of the site
  • Pre-fill option: Basically, the default settings are fine
  • Validity period … Enter how many days the user will remain as an audience. Enter "30" to target users within 30 days of visiting the site
  • Description … Enter arbitrarily

Further settings depend on which campaign type you choose. If you select the remarketing list you created earlier in each targeting setting, you are ready to distribute remarketing ads

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